We are developing techniques for massively parallel volume rendering,
examining primarily the techniques of algorithms on general
parallel computers. Research involves the use of the
UCSC 4096 processor MasPar MP-2 and numerous workstations.
Recent NSF funding shall provide a very high performance
visualization platform on which we shall also do research.
Important research topics are: what is the maximum performance
attainable for volumetric visualization on any given parallel
computer? What is the optimal algorithm for volume visualization
for a general model of computation? Which interactivity features
provide capabilities that allow new results to be discovered with
volumetric data?
We have hosted several visitors working in the area of parallel volume
and are also collaborating with the other faculty in scientific
Undergraduate student's project to provide web interfaces to
Volumetric rendering:
Survey of Parallel Volume
Rendering Algorithms
- Wittenbrink, Craig M.
Pages 1329-1336, PDPTA'98, Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and
July 1998, Las Vegas, NV.
Also available as Technical Report, HPL-98-49-R1, Hewlett-Packard
Palo Alto, CA, Mar. 1998.
Data dependent optimizations for permutation volume rendering, Craig
M. Wittenbrink and K. Kim,
In the Proceedings of SPIE Visual Data Exploration and Analysis V,
SPIE's Electronic Imaging `98, Feb. 1998, San Jose, CA, pages 284-294.
Technical Report, UCSC-CRL-96-24, University of California, Santa Cruz,
1996. Also available as Technical Report,
Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, Mar. 1997.
- Irregular grid volume rendering with composition networks, Craig
M. Wittenbrink, In the Proceedings of
SPIE Visual Data Exploration and Analysis V, SPIE's Electronic
Imaging `98, Feb. 1998, San Jose, CA, pages 250-260.
Also available as Technical Report,
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, Mar. 1997.
Direct Volume Rendering via 3D texture mapping hardware by Allen Van Gelder
Kwansik Kim, 1996 Volume Rendering Symposium, ACM/IEEE
``PermWeb: remote parallel and distributed volume visualization'',
Craig M. Wittenbrink, Kwansik Kim, Jeremy Story, Alex Pang,
Karin Hollerbach, and Nelson Max, to appear in the Proceedings of
the SPIE Visual
Data Exploration and Analysis IV, SPIE's Electronic Imaging '97,
Feb. 1997, San Jose, CA.
- Wittenbrink, Craig M.; Kim, Kwansik; Story, Jeremy;
Pang, Alex; Hollerbach, Karin; Max, Nelson.
Extensions to Permutation Warping for Parallel Volume Rendering
- Wittenbrink, Craig, PARALLEL COMPUTING, accepted 1998,
in Press.
Time and space optimal data parallel volume rendering using permutation
warping, Craig M. Wittenbrink and A. K. Somani.
Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Vol. 46, No. 2, Nov. 1, pages 148-164,
1997. Also available as Univ. of California
Santa Cruz,
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-96-33.
(reprints available, please e-mail)
See full listing of volume rendering papers on
Craig's Shameless
Parallel and Distributed Rendering Page .
See listing of other researcher's work on
volume rendering
Parallel and Distributed Rendering Page .