So far, we experimented with four data sets to test out the proposed
degenerate tensor extraction algorithm.
The first is a 2D rectangular patch
with symmetric 3D tensors at the four corners that have been set randomly.
The tensor values within the patch are obtained through linear
This synthetic data corresponds to tensors on a face of a 3D cell.
The second is a 3D cell with symmetric 3D tensors on its eight corners
which are also set randomly.
The third is the stress tensor data in a
semi-infinite volume with two point loads.
The last is the deformation tensors in a computed flow past a cylinder
with a hemisphere cap.
In all the figures, the colors are mapped to the
tensor discriminant with blue mapped to zero and warmer colors to higher
values. Degenerate tensors can be found in the blue regions.
2D randomized data:
Figure 1: White dots are degenerate points indicating places where
all seven constraint functions are zero. Each colored curve corresponds
to a constraint function being equal to zero. Places where multiple
curves intersect are where multiple constraint functions are satisfied
simultaneously. The background is pseudo-colored by the discriminant
functions. The data is a 2D slice of a randomly generated 3D tensor
Higher Order Degeneracy:
(a) Linear Interpolation
(b) Tricubic Spline Interpolation
Figure 2: Closeup of the bifurcating feature lines
below the point loads in the double point load data set.
Feature lines are colored by the
eigen difference while the volume is colored by the discriminant
using cool colors for low discriminant values
(closer to feature lines) and
warm transparent colors for distant values.
3D randomized data:
Figure 3: Randomly generated 3D tensors.
Warmer line colors are closer to type A degenerate points
where major and medium hyperstreamlines
intersect, while cooler line colors are closer to type B
degenerate points where medium and minor hyperstreamlines intersect.
The rest of the volume is pseudo-colored by the discriminant
using cool colors for low discriminant values
(closer to feature lines) and warm transparent
colors for distant values.
Double point load stress tensors:
(a) Oblique view
(b) Front view
(c) Side view
(d) Top view
(e) Unsymmetric loads
Figure 4: Double point load data.
Yellow arrows indicate point load, while the 2 magenta
spheres show the location of the triple degenerate
points. Feature lines are colored by the eigen difference
while the volume is colored by the discriminant.
Flow past a cylinder with a hemisphere cap:
Figure 5: Degenerate lines in deformation tensors of
flow past a cylinder with a hemispherical cap.
Feature lines are colored by the eigen