A velocity field, even one that represents a steady state flow, implies a dynamical system. Animated velocity fields is an important tool in understanding such complex phenomena. This paper looks at a number of techniques that animate velocity fields and propose two new alternatives. These are texture advention and streamline cycling. The common theme among these techniques is the use of advection on some texture to generate a realistic animation of the velocity field. Texture synthesis and selection for these methods are presented. Strengths and weaknesses of the techniques are also discussed in conjunctions with several examples.
Texture advection with source [31K]
Streamline cycling, checker texture [27K]
Texture advection with constant boundary:
Dynamic vortices with checkerboard pattern [1.5mb]
Source/sink flow with checkerboard pattern [1.0Mb]
Source/sink flow with galaxy pattern [370kb]
Texture advection with periodic boundary:
Dynamic vortices with checkerboard pattern [1.8mb]
Source/sink flow with checkerboard pattern [462kb]
Source/sink flow with galaxy pattern [400kb]
Texture advection using 3D checkerboard texture:
Dynamic vortices with checkerboard pattern [1.7mb]
Source/sink flow with checkerboard pattern [1.3mb]
Streamline Cycling Animations:
Source/sink flow with checkerboard pattern [1.6mb]
Source/sink flow with galaxy pattern [492kb]