Advecting Procedural Textures for 2D Flow Animation


This paper proposes the use of specially generated 3D procedural textures for visualizing steady state 2D flow fields. We use the flow field to advect and animate the texture over time. However, using standard texture advection techniques and arbitrary textures will introduce some undesirable effects such as: (a) expanding texture from a critical source point, (b) streaking pattern from the boundary of the flow field, (c) crowding of advected textures near an attracting spiral or sink, and (d) absent or lack of textures in some regions of the flow. This paper proposes a number of strategies to solve these problems. We demonstrate how the technique works using both synthetic data and computational fluid dynamics data.


The Pacific Graphics 2001 paper is available.


Texture advection without any correction [1mb]
Same data set, but with procedural textures. Continuous boundary inflow of textures. Source critical point is with ripple effect. [2.2mb]
Different data set, but similar texture. Source critical point is with star effect. [2.2mb]
Another data set, with fuzzy ball textures. Texture indexing corresponds directly to numerical integration of streamlines. [640kb]
Flow past an airfoil using procedural textures. [1.1mb]
Flow past a hemisphere cylinder. [963kb]

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