Volume Rendering with Comparative Visualizations
of Algorithm Variations


We present a JAVA based interactive web volume rednering comparison tools. This is a web interface to our data level comparison techniques for volume rendering. We take one volume rendering algorithm as a basis for our comparison. We have developed raycasting based methods and projection based methods. The web interface provides volume rendering with multiple algorithms and their comparisons thru visualization of metrics. We provide following sample volume data.
Sample Volume Data
Data Size Description
DO 3x3x3 a hypothetical simple data
HIPIP 64x64x64 HIPIP(High Potential Iron Protein) - simulated electron density map iron sulfer compound
CT Head 64x128x56 bottom left quarter of the 128x128x112 CT scanned human head data
SOD 97x97x116 electron density map of sidium compound

Under construction

This page is still under constructions. The current Java interface is not connected to our server yet. The render button will show example images and the metrics buttons, "distance" and "samples" also load example visualizations. The two VRML window frames bottom also load example VRML surface generated by our software. We are working on the interface as specified in the instruction section and will be put by the end of July, 1997.


The rayout of the interface is based on comparing the volume renderings of two lgorithms with a choice of compariosn basis. From "Algorithm Basis" menu, you can choose the basis of comparison. For example, by choosing raycasting from this menu, 2 volume rendering algorithms will be simulated with raycasting and the ray-based metrics visualization will be provided for comparisons. We provode 4 choices of data to be rendered as explained in the introduction section. The "Algorithm Choice" menu for each rendering shows the current choice of algorithm to render the given data. User can change the desired viewing angle by clicking the left mouse in the data grid window and draging the mouse. The right mouse button click will reset the viewing angle. The middle mouse button will scale up or down by ckicking and dragging to the left or to the right. The "Render" button will render the given data with the standard transfer function provided for each data, which infomation is displayed in the transfer function window. The rendering process will also collect the metrics to be displayed later. Depending on comparison basis, the "Metrics Choice" will be set with a number of choices. For the available mertics and their meaning please refer to the papers which links are specified in the introduction section. The "Metrics Display" button will display the visualization of the chosen metrics on the metrics windows. The colormap for mapping the metrics value can be chosen from "Colormap" menu. We provide standard colormaps like "rainbow", linear grey scale and grey scale with lamps. The "Metrics Surface" will generate VRML surfaces, that describes the values of metrics in 3 dimenison, in the two window frames at the bottom of this page.

Softwares required for this page

You need a Java enabled web browsers such as Netscape. We use VRML language to generate surfaces. Be sure to have VRML viewing capability for your browsers. For Netscape users, you should have VRML plugins such as Cosmo player from Silicon Graphics Inc., and be sure to enable VRML related flags for the plugin from the help menu.

VolRenCV: Volume Renderer with Comparative Visualizations

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