Foundations of Comparative Analytics for Uncertainty in Graphs
Supported by the National Science Foundation, FODAVA Program
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Barba, Evan and Wei, Yifang and Mann, Janet and Singh, Lisa. Integrating Visual Exploration into Traditional Scientific Research Methodology. Under Review.

Denis Dimitrov, Lisa Singh, and Janet Mann. Query Operators for Comparing Uncertain Graphs. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems. (2014) Accepted for publication.

Sridhar, D., Getoor, L., and Walker, M. (2014). Collective Stance Classification of Posts in Online Debate Forums. ACL Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media.

Farnadi, G., Bach, S.H., Moens, M.-F., Getoor, L., De Cock, M. (2014). Extending PSL with Fuzzy Quantifiers. International Workshop on Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence (StaRAI).

Kimmig, A., Mihalkova, L., and Getoor, L. (2014). Lifted graphical models: a survey. Machine Learning, pp. 1-45.

Fakhraei, S., Huang, B., Raschid, L., and Getoor, L. (2014). Network-Based Drug-Target Interaction Prediction with Probabilistic Soft Logic. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.

Ramesh, A., Goldwasser, D., Huang, B., Daume III, H., and Getoor, L. (2014). Learning Latent Engagement Patterns of Students in Online Courses. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press.

Jay Pujara, Hui Miao, Lise Getoor, and William Cohen. (2013). Knowledge Graph Identification. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Winner of Best Student Paper award.

Caravelli, P., Wei, Y., Subak, D., Singh L.O., Mann, J. (2013). Understanding evolving group structures in time-varying networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Niagara Falls.

Dimitrov, D., Singh, L.O, Mann, J. (2013). Comparison queries for uncertain graphs. International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA). Prague, Czech Republic.

Dimitrov, D., Singh, L., Mann, J. (2013). Invenio - A Process Centric Data Mining and Visual Analytic Tool for Exploring Complex Social Networks. Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA) workshop at the ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). Chicago, IL.

Bach, S. H., Huang, B., London, B., and Getoor, L. (2013). Hinge-loss Markov Random Fields: Convex Inference for Structured Prediction. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Bellevue, Washington.

London, B., Khamis, S., Bach, S. H., Huang, B., Getoor, L., Davis, L. (2013). Collective Activity Detection using Hinge-loss Markov Random Fields. CVPR Workshop on Structured Prediction: Tractability, Learning and Inference.

Bach, S.H., Huang, B., and Getoor, L. (2013). Learning Latent Groups with Hinge-loss Markov Random Fields. Inferning: ICML Workshop on Interactions between Inference and Learning. Atlanta, GA. Winner of Best Student Paper award.

Miao, H., Liu, X., Huang, B., and Getoor, L. (2013). Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Workshop on Structured Learning (SLG). Atlanta, GA.

Robinson, J., Lonergan, M., Singh, L., Candido, A., Sayal, M. (2012). SHARD: A Framework for Sequential, Hierarchical Anomaly Ranking and Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7302, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) Pages 243-255.

Bach, Stephen H. and Broecheler, Matthias and Getoor, Lise and O'Leary, Dianne P. (2012). Scaling MPE Inference for Constrained Continuous Markov Random Fields with Consensus Optimization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Nathaniel Cesario (2012). Flexible Graph Layouts. UCSC MS Thesis.

Nayyara Samuel (2012). Quantifying and Ranking Bias in Social Networks. GU MS Thesis.

Nathaniel Cesario, Alex Pang, and Lisa Singh. (2011). Visualizing node attribute uncertainty in graphs. In SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA). San Jose, California.

Katarina Yang, Nathaniel Cesario, and Alex Pang. (2011). Automatic Transitional Animation Between Visualizations. UCSC-SOE-11-23 Technical Report.

Hossam Sharara, Awalin Sopan, Galileo Namata, Lise Getoor, and Lisa Singh. (2011). G-PARE: A Visual Analytic Tool for Comparative Analysis of Uncertain Graphs. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). Providence, Rhode Island.

Denis Dimitrov (2011). Extensible Operators for Comparison Queries of Uncertain Graph. GU MS Thesis.

Matthias Broecheler, Lise Getoor. (2010). Computing marginal distributions over continuous Markov networks for statistical relational learning. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (NIPS).

Matthias Broecheler, Lily Mihalkova, Lise Getoor. (2010). Probabilistic Similarity Logic. International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.

Nathaniel Cesario, Alex Pang, Lise Getoor, Lisa Singh. (2009). Visual Graph Comparisons with Bullseyes. IEEE Information Visualization Published collection of posters. Atlantic City, NJ.


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